Meet the Hailie® App
The Hailie® App is a companion application for use with one or more Hailie® sensors which attach onto your inhaler.
The Hailie® App tracks your adherence and medication use, and capture clinical data that is sent in real time via a secure cloud to your physician portal.
Available for iOS and Android.

Easy to Use
Set Up
Follow simple, step-by-step instructions to set up your Hailie® sensor for your inhaler.
Check your prescription schedule and your medication history.
View your usage over time and share information with your doctor.

Powerful Tools
Recorded Data
Track both rescue and controller medications, and medication usage to an hourly level.
Hailie® Sensors
Manage paired Hailie® sensors from within the Hailie® app and record them separately.
Schedule reminders for each medication. Your Hailie® sensor for your inhaler will alert you when it’s time to take a dose even if your phone is turned off.